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Family Health Center of Patagonia

Satellite clinic of the Mariposa Community Health Center located at:

101 Taylor St. in Patagonia, AZ

(520) 394-2262


Directory of Elder Resources for Santa Cruz County

A guide that lists useful information and resources for older adults & their families


East Santa Cruz County Community Food Bank

Free, fresh produce weekly in Patagonia

(520) 394-9838


Borderlands Food Bank

Nogales food bank, 'rescuing produce since 1994'


Community Food Bank Of Southern Arizona

Nogales location of this non-profit, Arizona community food bank


Senior Citizens of Patagonia

Local senior center providing a weekday lunch program & transportation services

(520) 394-2494


Arizona Adult Protective Services

A state agency that assists with in facilitating services and supports to protect vulnerable adults

(877) 767-2385


Santa Cruz County Public Fiduciary

Information about case management services & caregiver resources

(520) 375-7960


Arizona Long Term Care Ombudsman

A state advocate who seeks to protect & promote the rights of residents in long term care facilities

(520) 432-2528 ext. 206


Division of Aging and Adult Services

A division of Arizona's Department of Economic Security, offering programs & initiative for older adults


Arizona Healthy Aging

Supports healthy living for older Arizona residents


SEAGO - Area Agency on Aging

A government agency assisting older adults, and their families, with information on accessing services

to stay in their own homes & communities

(520) 432-2528


State Health Insurance Assistance Programs

State program that offers free health benefits counceling service for Medicare beneficiaries


ElderCare Locator

A public, online service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, connecting older adults

and their families with local services


State Health Insurance Assistance Program

Free health benefits counseling service for Medicare beneficiaries and their families

(800) 432-4040


Veterans Crisis Line

Confidential help for veterans and their families

(800) 273-8255


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